






My positions are Drummond Professor of Political Economy Emeritus and Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Department of Economics, University of Oxford; Emeritus Fellow of All Souls College; and Distinguished Professor Emeritus and Research Professor, Department of Economics, University of California, San Diego.

Wikipedia page

Google Scholar page

ResearchGate page

Most of my publications can be easily downloaded below or from my ResearchGate page. However, for my 2019 Annual Review of Economics paper, "Experiments on Cognition, Communication, Coordination, and Cooperation in Relationships", you will need to use the direct link here or below.    


My main contacts (email is monitored year-round in all three places):

Department of Economics
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA  92093-0508

+1-302-729-3230 (Google Voice: rings US numbers, or you can text it or leave a voicemail if I don't pick up and it will send me an email alert)

email: v2crawford "at"

My department home page

All Souls College
Oxford OX1 4AL
United Kingdom


+44-1865-279339 study direct (can leave UK voicemail which will reach me even if I am elsewhere)

+44-1865-279379 All Souls Lodge


email: vincent.crawford "at"

My College home page

My physical Oxford office is now at 11 Manor Place #2, Oxford OX3 3UP (Manor Place is opposite the Manor Road Building where the Economics Department is; 11 is the second house from the end on the right.)    

Department of Economics
University of Oxford
Manor Road Building

Manor Road

Oxford OX1 3UQ

United Kingdom


email: vincent.crawford "at"

My Department home page


Upcoming Events:

Semi-plenary Lecture, International Conference on Public Economic Theory, Lyon, France, June 2024; Paper and slides

Plenary Lecture, Conference on Mechanism and Institution Design, Budapest, Hungary, July 2024

Lecture Series (2) on Behavioral Game Theory and seminar (
seminar paper and slides), 1st Summer School in Experimental and Behavioral Economics, by the European Economic Review, Rethymno, Crete, August 2024 (co-taught with Michalis Drouvelis, Uri Gneezy, John List, and Dana Suskind)


2003 photo by Zoe Crawford


Photos by Zoe Crawford from the 2003 Induction Ceremony at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Stockholm 2012


1999 photos by Dorothy Hahn (more photos)


Curriculum Vitae (includes "A Game of Fair Division," Review of Economic Studies 44 (June 1977), 235-247 now a major motion picture!)


Jump to courses

Papers (see my ResearchGate page; or scroll down or jump to interviews and presentations; or scroll down or jump to Matching Markets or jump to older downloadable papers)

Behavioral and experimental
economics and game theory

Laura Blow
and Vincent P. Crawford,
"Meaningful Theorems: Nonparametric Analysis of Reference-dependent Preferences," revised 22 May 2024; Online Appendices A-D; Lecture slides

Previous versions:

Laura Blow and Vincent P. Crawford, "Meaningful Theorems: Nonparametric Analysis of Reference-dependent Preferences," revised 24 November 2023 (Corrects some errors in the previous version, as explained in the revised version.)

Laura Blow, Ian Crawford
, and Vincent P. Crawford, "Meaningful Theorems: Nonparametric Analysis of Reference-dependent Preferences," 19 January 2022;
Online Appendices (A to E)

Vincent P. Crawford, "Efficient Mechanisms for Level-k Bilateral Trading", Games and Economic Behavior 127 (2021), 80-101

Link to final accepted version (if the above link is gated for you)

First complete version 18 April 2015, Vincent P. Crawford, "Efficient Mechanisms for Level-k Bilateral Trading"

Presented as a John von Neumann Distinguished Lecture at Brown University's 250th Anniversary Symposium, May 2015 Poster Video

Panel discussion/Sweat box session with Mark Satterthwaite  and Brown graduate students

Also presented as the Economic Journal Lecture,  Royal Economic Society Conference, London, April 2011; and a PER Distinguished Lecture, Columbia University, April 2018

Vincent P. Crawford, "Experiments on Cognition, Communication, Coordination, and Cooperation in Relationships", Annual Review of Economics 11 (2019), 167-191; direct link to published version

Vincent P. Crawford, "Modeling Strategic Communication: From Rendezvous and Reassurance to Trickery and Puffery", Nancy L. Schwartz Memorial Lecture, April 2017 (see also slides at Schwartz website)

Vincent P. Crawford, "Deceived while Rational? Game-theoretic Models of Deception and Gullibility", slides for a talk based in part on my 2017 Nancy L. Schwartz Memorial Lecture, given at All Souls College, 27 May 2019 and the Oxford Economics Society, 4 March 2020  

Vincent P. Crawford, "New Directions for Modelling Strategic Behavior:  Game-theoretic Models of Communication, Coordination, and Cooperation in Economic Relationships," Journal of Economic Perspectives 30(4), Fall 2016, 131–150.

Vincent P. Crawford, "Let's Talk It Over: Coordination Via Preplay Communication With Level-k Thinking," Research in Economics 71 (March 2017), 20-31. Presented as a plenary lecture at the 26th Arne Ryde Symposium,"Communication in Games and Experiments," 24-25 August 2007, Lund, Sweden; (Lecture Slides poster)


Vincent P. Crawford, "A Comment on 'How Portable is Level-0 Behavior? A Test of Level-k Theory in Games with Non-neutral Frames' by Heap, Rojo-Arjona, and Sugden"

Superseded by Vincent P. Crawford, "'Fatal Attraction' and Level-k Thinking in Games with Non-neutral Frames," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 156 (2018), 219-224

Vincent P. Crawford,
"Boundedly Rational versus Optimization-Based Models of Strategic Thinking and Learning in Games,
" Journal of Economic Literature 51 (June 2013), 512-527.

Vincent P. Crawford,  Miguel A. Costa-Gomes, and Nagore Iriberri, "Structural Models of Nonequilibrium Strategic Thinking: Theory, Evidence, and Applications," Journal of Economic Literature 51 (March 2013), 5-62.

First Version, "Strategic Thinking," December 2010

Michèle Belot
, Vincent P. Crawford, and
Cecilia Heyes,
"Players of Matching Pennies Automatically Imitate Opponents’ Gestures Against Strong Incentives," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 110(8) (19 February 2013), 2763-2768.



Vincent P. Crawford and Juanjuan Meng, "New York City Cabdrivers' Labor Supply Revisited: Reference-Dependent Preferences with Rational-Expectations Targets for Hours and Income," American Economic Review 101 (August 2011), 1912-1932. Better version of Figure 1. Final version of web appendix, June 2010.


Lecture Slides, November 2010; Lecture Slides, July 2009; Previous Version, 9 March 2010, Previous version, 16 July 2009; Original version of paper, 23 July 2008; Original version of Lecture Slides, 23 July 2008



Miguel A. Costa-Gomes, Vincent P. Crawford, and Nagore Iriberri, "Comparing Models of Strategic Thinking in Van Huyck, Battalio, and Beil's Coordination Games," Journal of the European Economic Association 7 (2009), 365-376.


Web appendix: "Limiting LQRE as a Model of Limiting Outcomes in Van Huyck, Battalio, and Beil’s Coordination Games"


Vincent P. Crawford, Tamar Kugler, Zvika Neeman, and Ady Pauzner, "Behaviorally Optimal Auction Design: An Example and Some Observations," Journal of the European Economic Association 7 (2009), 377-387.


Vincent Crawford, Uri Gneezy, and Yuval Rottenstreich, "The Power of Focal Points is Limited: Even Minute Payoff Asymmetry May Yield Large Coordination Failures," American Economic Review 98 (2008), 1443-1458; Web Appendix


Vincent P. Crawford and Nagore Iriberri, "Level-k Auctions: Can a Non-Equilibrium Model of Strategic Thinking Explain the Winner's Curse and Overbidding in Private-Value Auctions?," Econometrica 75 (November 2007), 1721-1770; Final version of Web Appendix with detailed calculations and other supporting materials; Lecture slides (ppt)

Vincent P. Crawford and Nagore Iriberri, "Fatal Attraction: Salience, Naivete, and Sophistication in Experimental Hide-and-Seek Games," American Economic Review 97 (December 2007), 1731-1750; Web Appendix; Data Appendix (zip); Lecture slides (ppt)


Reference (without screen credit, and with no real appreciation of the importance of level-k thinking...) on 2005 episode of the CBS series Numb3rs, "Assassin," first aired 10/21/2005 (courtesy of William Nguyen Phan; YouTube Clip; Text; Moriarti Comment


Charlie: Hide and seek.

Don: What are you talking about, like the kids' version?

Charlie: A mathematical approach to it, yes. See, the assassin must hide in order to accomplish his goal, we must seek and find the assassin before he achieves that goal.

Megan: Ah, behavioral game theory, yeah, we studied this at Quantico.

Charlie: I doubt you studied it the way that Rubinstein, Tversky and Heller studied two person constant sum hide and seek with unique mixed strategy equilibria.

Megan: No, not quite that way.

Don: Just bear with him.


Thoughts on Hide and Seek games played on naturally occuring "landscapes" from Edgar Allan Poe's The Purloined Letter (complete story)


General principles:


"…But he perpetually errs by being too deep or too shallow, for the matter in hand; and many a schoolboy is a better reasoner than he. I knew one about eight years of age, whose success at guessing in the game of 'even and odd' attracted universal admiration. This game is simple, and is played with marbles. One player holds in his hand a number of these toys, and demands of another whether that number is even or odd. If the guess is right, the guesser wins one; if wrong, he loses one. The boy to whom I allude won all the marbles of the school. Of course he had some principle of guessing; and this lay in mere observation and admeasurement of the astuteness of his opponents. For example, an arrant simpleton is his opponent, and, holding up his closed hand, asks, 'are they even or odd?' Our schoolboy replies, 'odd,' and loses; but upon the second trial he wins, for he then says to himself, the simpleton had them even upon the first trial, and his amount of cunning is just sufficient to make him have them odd upon the second; I will therefore guess odd'; --he guesses odd, and wins. Now, with a simpleton a degree above the first, he would have reasoned thus: 'This fellow finds that in the first instance I guessed odd, and, in the second, he will propose to himself upon the first impulse, a simple variation from even to odd, as did the first simpleton; but then a second thought will suggest that this is too simple a variation, and finally he will decide upon putting it even as before. I will therefore guess even' guesses even, and wins. Now this mode of reasoning in the schoolboy, whom his fellows termed 'lucky,' --what, in its last analysis, is it?"


"It is merely," I said, "an identification of the reasoner's intellect with that of his opponent."


(glossary: "arrant simpleton" = L1 (conditional on shared history, which makes one choice focal in a way that would attract L0); "simpleton a degree above the first" = L2; boy with all the marbles = L2 or L3, depending on his assessment of how simple his opponent is)


Specific application:


"At length my eyes, in going the circuit of the room, fell upon a trumpery filigree card-rack of pasteboard, that hung dangling by a dirty blue ribbon, from a little brass knob just beneath the middle of the mantelpiece. In this rack, which had three or four compartments, were five or six visiting cards and a solitary letter. This last was much soiled and crumpled. It was torn nearly in two, across the middle --as if a design, in the first instance, to tear it entirely up as worthless, had been altered, or stayed, in the second. It had a large black seal, bearing the D-- cipher very conspicuously, and was addressed, in a diminutive female hand, to D--, the minister, himself. It was thrust carelessly, and even, as it seemed, contemptuously, into one of the upper divisions of the rack.


"No sooner had I glanced at this letter, than I concluded it to be that of which I was in search. To be sure, it was, to all appearance, radically different from the one of which the Prefect had read us so minute a description. Here the seal was large and black, with the D-- cipher; there it was small and red, with the ducal arms of the S-- family. Here, the address, to the Minister, was diminutive and feminine; there the superscription, to a certain royal personage, was markedly bold and decided; the size alone formed a point of correspondence. But, then, the radicalness of these differences, which was excessive; the dirt; the soiled and torn condition of the paper, so inconsistent with the true methodical habits of D--, and so suggestive of a design to delude the beholder into an idea of the worthlessness of the document; these things, together with the hyperobtrusive situation of this document, full in the view of every visitor, and thus exactly in accordance with the conclusions to which I had previously arrived; these things, I say, were strongly corroborative of suspicion, in one who came with the intention to suspect."

Miguel A. Costa-Gomes and Vincent P. Crawford, "Studying Cognition via Information Search in Two-Person Guessing Game Experiments," paper still in progress.

Lecture Slides, Berkeley Psychology and Economics Seminar, 6 March 2007, and the Barcelona JOCS Seminar, 26 March 2007; focusing on cognitive and experimental issues; earlier version of Lecture Slides, Chicago, 2007, AEA Meetings; focusing on cognitive and experimental issues

Lecture Slides, Workshop on Econometrics and Experimental Economics, Northwestern University, 28 April 2006; focusing on econometric issues

Lecture Slides, "Studying Strategic Thinking by Monitoring Search for Hidden Payoff Information and Interpreting the Data in the Light of Algorithms that Link Cognition, Search, and Decisions," NSF Workshop on "Behavior, Computation, and Networks in Human Subject Experimentation," Del Mar, California, July 31-August 1, 2008

Lecture Slides, Cemmap/ELSE Workshop on "Experimental Analysis of Procedural Rationality in Games and Decisions," University College London, 4 March 2009

Lecture Slides, "Studying Strategic Thinking Experimentally by Monitoring Search for Hidden Payoff Information," Behavioral, Social and Computer Sciences Seminar, Calit2, University of California, San Diego, 10 June 2009


Vincent P. Crawford, "Look-ups as the Windows of the Strategic Soul: Studying Cognition via Information Search in Game Experiments" (based on joint work with Miguel A. Costa-Gomes and Bruno Broseta), in Andrew Caplin and Andrew Schotter, editors, Perspectives on the Future of Economics: Positive and Normative Foundations, Volume 1 in the series Handbooks of Economic Methodologies, Oxford University Press, 2008

Lecture Slides presented at the Conference on the Foundations of Positive and Normative Economics, New York University, 25-26 April 2008

Miguel A. Costa-Gomes and Vincent P. Crawford, "Cognition and Behavior in Two-Person Guessing Games: An Experimental Study," American Economic Review 96 (December 2006), 1737-1768; Web Appendix (zip) (A. Instructions for Baseline and Robot/Trained Subjects Treatments; B. Description of Pilots; C. Preliminary Statistical Tests; D. Figures Showing Subjects' Aggregate Guess Distributions, Game by Game; E. Subjects' Guess and Look-up Data; F. Specification Tests and Analysis of Clusters; G. Supplementary Tables; H. Analysis of Search); Data Appendix (zip); Lecture slides (ppt)

Old Appendix I. Selected Subjects' Information Searches and Types' Search Implications

Figures showing aggregate frequency distributions of guesses game by game (with games identified by the codes from Table 2):

2A-B, 2C-D, 2E-F, 2G-H, 2I-J, 2K-L, 2M-N, 2O-P

Sara Robinson extensively discusses this paper in her article, "How Real People Think in Strategic Games," in the January/February 2004 issue of SIAM News.

Vincent P. Crawford, "Lying for Strategic Advantage: Rational and Boundedly Rational Misrepresentation of Intentions," American Economic Review 93 (March 2003), 133-149; Lecture slides

Mike Royko's column


"The truth deserves a bodyguard of lies." -- Winston Churchill, Teheran, 1943

"The threat reporting that we received in the Spring and Summer of 2001 was not specific as to time, nor place, nor manner of attack. Almost all of the reports focused on al-Qaida activities outside the United States, especially in the MiddleEast and North Africa. In fact, the information that was specific enough to be actionable referred to terrorist operations overseas. More often, it was frustratingly vague.

Let me read you some of the actual chatter that we picked up that Spring and Summer:

• 'Unbelievable news in coming weeks'

• 'Big event ... there will be a very, very, very, very big uproar'

• 'There will be attacks in the near future'

Troubling, yes. But they don’t tell us when; they don’t tell us where; they don’t tell us who; and they don’t tell us how."

-- Condoleeza Rice, Opening Remarks to the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, 8 April 2004.

My question for Rice, Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld: If Al-Quaeda had sent you a message saying "We're going to hijack airplanes and crash them into the World Trade Center--the one in New York City--on September 11--this coming September 11", would you have believed them?


Vincent P. Crawford, "Introduction to Experimental Game Theory" (Symposium issue), Journal of Economic Theory 104 (May 2002), 1-15.


Miguel Costa-Gomes, Vincent Crawford, and Bruno Broseta, "Cognition and Behavior in Normal-Form Games: An Experimental Study," Econometrica 69 (September 2001)), 1193-1235; Correction of minor typos in Table 2 of published version (p.1216)

Preliminary version (UCSD Discussion Paper 98-22, includes appendices)

extensively revised version plus Appendix A (UCSD Discussion Paper 2000-02R)

Appendices B, C, D, and E

Lecture slides

MouseLab home page


Vincent P. Crawford, "Learning Dynamics, Lock-in, and Equilibrium Selection in Experimental Coordination Games," in Ugo Pagano and Antonio Nicita, editors, The Evolution of Economic Diversity (papers from Workshop X, International School of Economic Research, University of Siena), London and New York: Routledge, 2001, 133-163; Lecture slides


Readers (and potential Routledge authors) should note that Routledge eliminated crucial parts of Figure 6.2(b), making it meaningless. There should be a closed dot at (2,0) and an open dot at (0,0), as in the UCSD Discussion Paper 97-19 version linked above. Potential authors: Routledge also doesn’t give you even the opportunity to buy reprints.


Vincent P. Crawford and Bruno Broseta, "What Price Coordination?The Efficiency-enhancing Effect of Auctioning the Right to Play," American Economic Review 88 (March 1998), 198-225.





Vincent P. Crawford, "Theory and Experiment in the Analysis of Strategic Interaction," in David Kreps and Ken Wallis, editors, Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications, Seventh World Congress, Vol. I, Econometric Society Monographs No. 27, Cambridge, U.K., and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997, 206-242; reprinted with minor changes and additions in Colin Camerer, George Loewenstein, and Matthew Rabin, editors, Advances in Behavioral Economics, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003, 344-373.





Vincent P. Crawford, "A Survey of Experiments on Communication via Cheap Talk," Journal of Economic Theory 78 (February 1998), 286-298.





Vincent P. Crawford, "Adaptive Dynamics in Coordination Games," Econometrica 63 (January 1995), 103-143.





Vincent P. Crawford, "An 'Evolutionary' Interpretation of Van Huyck, Battalio, and Beil's Experimental Results on Coordination," Games and Economic Behavior 3 (February 1991), 25-59.




Vincent P. Crawford, "Explicit Communication and Bargaining Outcomes," American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 80 (May 1990), 213-219.





Vincent P. Crawford, "Equilibrium without Independence," Journal of Economic Theory 50 (February 1990), 127-154.




Vincent P. Crawford, "Learning and Mixed-Strategy Equilibria in Evolutionary Games," Journal of Theoretical Biology 140 (23 October 1989), 537-550.






Matching Markets







Vincent P. Crawford, "The Flexible-Salary Match: A Proposal to Increase the Salary Flexibility of the National Resident Matching Program," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 66 (2008), 149-160.


Sara Robinson's August 24, 2004 New York Times article about the proposal, "Tweaking the Math to Make Happier Medical Marriages" and the graphic published with the article.


Patricia Morén's March 29, 2007 Diario Medico article about the proposal, "La flexibilidad salarial del residente mejora su asignación a distintos centros".







Vincent P. Crawford and Elsie Marie Knoer (deceased), "Job Matching with Heterogeneous Firms and Workers," Econometrica 49 (March 1981), 437-450.






Alexander S. Kelso, Jr., and Vincent P. Crawford, "Job Matching, Coalition Formation, and Gross Substitutes," Econometrica 50 (November 1982), 1483-1504.







Vincent P. Crawford, "Comparative Statics in Matching Markets," Journal of Economic Theory 54 (August 1991), 389-400.





"Gray Eminence?", in Eminent Economists II-Their Life Philosophies, editors Michael Szenberg and Lall Ramrattan, Cambridge University Press, 2014.





International Lending, Long-Term Credit Relationships, and Dynamic Contract Theory, Princeton Study in International Finance No. 59, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1987      

Vincent P. Crawford and Ping-Sing Kuo, "A Dual Dutch Auction in Taipei: The Choice of Numeraire and Auction Form in Multi-Object Auctions with Bundling," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 52 (August 2003), 427-442; Lecture slides.

Zoe Crawford's photographs of the Hu-Lin (Tiger-Forest) Street Evening Market, including the dual Dutch auctioneer and the numeraire. 

"The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Stuffiness" or "Who is Gerard Wanrooy and why did he (and his boss at Elsevier, Joop Dirkmaat), overriding JEBO editor Barkley Rosser's decision, refuse to publish one of these photographs in the article or to post them as accompanying materials linked on JEBO's website; and why did they try even to refuse us the right to publish a link in JEBO to the photographs posted on this website?"



Vincent Crawford, "John Nash and the Analysis of Strategic Behavior," Economics Letters 75 (May 2002), 377-382; UCSD Discussion Paper 2000-03; reprinted in Greek translation, with minor changes, as "O John Nash και η ανάλυση της στρατηγικής συμπεριφοράς," in Θεωρια Παιγνιων: Αφιερωμα στον John Nash (Game Theory: A Festschrift in Honor of John Nash), Constantina Kottaridi and Gregorios Siourounis, editors, Athens: Eurasia Publications, 2002.







Vincent P Crawford, "Review of Rational Ritual: Culture, Coordination, and Common Knowledge by Michael Suk-Young Chwe," Journal of Economic Literature 40 (June 2002), 577-578; html.






Vincent P. Crawford, "Review of Games of Strategy by Avinash Dixit and Susan Skeath," Journal of Economic Literature 39 (September 2001), 904-905; html.


Interviews, press, and miscellaneous presentation slides

Vincent P. Crawford, "Non-Equilibrium Strategic Thinking and the Role of Abstract or Natural-Language Communication", slides for Games with Partial Representations: An Odycceus Workshop, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, September 11-12, 2017

Slides for “Information, Voting and the Quality of Governance”, Public Panel Event to welcome Abhijit Banerjee as Sanjaya Lall Visiting Professor at Oxford, with a presentation by Banerjee and discussions by Roger Myerson and myself, moderated by John Vickers, 19 May 2015

Video (my part starts about 53 minutes into the podcast, following Myerson's which starts about 34 minutes in; my part refers to the above slides, which are not visible in the video) 



Vox, Center for Economic Policy Research, August 2008 interview by Romesh Vaitilingam on "Behavioural game theory: how real people think in strategic interactions" (audio only)


"Συνέντευξη του Διακεκριμένου Καθηγητή του Πανεπιστημίου της Καλιφόρνια, Σαν Ντιέγκο, Professor Vincent P. Crawford: Στο εργαστήριο μαθαίνουμε πώς λαμβάνονται οι αποφάσεις," Εφημερίδα ΤA ΝΕΑ 15/03/2005, ειδικό ένθετο MBA Ανοιχτό: ("Interview of Distinguished Professor at the University of California, San Diego, Professor Vincent P. Crawford: In the Laboratory We Learn How Decisions are Made", in the special inset "MBA Open" of the Greek newspaper "The News," 15 March 2005 (interviewed by Constantina Kottaridi (Lecturer in Economics, University of Peloponnese) (html archive link in Greek; doc in English


Informal talk on "Strategies for Getting Papers Published in Journals" (audio only, hard to hear), National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan, October 2008


Sara Robinson's August 24, 2004 New York Times article about the proposal, "Tweaking the Math to Make Happier Medical Marriages" and the graphic published with the article, discussing:


Vincent P. Crawford, "The Flexible-Salary Match: A Proposal to Increase the Salary Flexibility of the National Resident Matching Program," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 66 (2008), 149-160.


Sara Robinson's articles on matching markets in the April 2003 and July 2003 issues of SIAM News, discussing:



Vincent P. Crawford and Elsie Marie Knoer (deceased), "Job Matching with Heterogeneous Firms and Workers," Econometrica 49 (March 1981), 437-450.



Alexander S. Kelso, Jr., and Vincent P. Crawford, "Job Matching, Coalition Formation, and Gross Substitutes," Econometrica 50 (November 1982), 1483-1504.


Sara Robinson’s article, "How Real People Think in Strategic Games," in the January/February 2004 issue of SIAM News, discussing


Miguel A. Costa-Gomes and Vincent P. Crawford, "Cognition and Behavior in Two-Person Guessing Games: An Experimental Study," American Economic Review 96 (December 2006), 1737-1768.


Brief interview by Scott Horsley on NPR's Morning Editon, Business, 26 October 2006, in "Game Theorists Watch OPEC Production Moves"


Patricia Moren's 29 March 2007 Diario Medico article about the “Flexible Salary Match proposal, "La flexibilidad salarial del residente mejora su asignación a distintos centros".


Discussion of Crawford-Sobel 1982 Econometrica paper "Strategic Information Transmission" by Jeff Ely on 1 May 2009 on Sandeep Baliga's and Jeff Ely's blog Cheap Talk.


Link to Crawford-Sobel 1982 Econometrica paper "Strategic Information Transmission" in 15 June 2009 guest column by Justin Wolfers on Freakonomics blog (link is at "cheap talk" at the very end).


Vincent Crawford, "Modeling Behavior in Novel Strategic Situations via Level-k Thinking," slides for lecture presented in the Marketing Seminar, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, 3 April 2008; the Applied Micro Theory Workshop, University of Pennsylvania, 28 April 2008; and as a “semi-plenary” lecture at GAMES 2008, Third World Congress of the Game Theory Society, 14 July 2008.

Vincent P. Crawford, "Level-k Thinking," slides for plenary lecture presented at the 2007 North American Meeting of the Economic Science Association, Tucson, October 18-21.

Vincent P. Crawford, Lecture Slides for "Outguessing and Deception in Novel Strategic Situations," SESS Distinguished Lecture, Singapore Management University, November 2004; Lecture Slides for version presented at Northwestern University, October 2005.


Past Courses (only most recent year is shown for undergraduate courses)

























In memory of my father, David James Crawford III, 1925-1950 

In memory of my mother, Marjorie Piga Crawford Crain, 1926-2020

In memory of my adoptive father, Bennett Crain, 1930-2006



Great-great-great-great-uncle Bill (William Harris Crawford, 1772-1834) 



Last modified 2 June 2024.

Copyright © Vincent P. Crawford, 2024. All federal and state copyrights reserved for all original material presented on this site, or in the courses it refers to, through any medium, including lecture or print.
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