Undergraduate Lectures on Behavioural and Experimental Game Theory, University of Oxford

Instructor: Professor Vincent Crawford

Course materials

Syllabus (pdf)

Lecture Slides (pdf)

Supplementary Lecture Slides on Matching (courtesy Jonathan Levin; ppt)

Earlier Course Materials on Behavioural and Experimental Game theory, not directly relevant to this offering

Syllabus (pdf)

Lectures Slides on Introduction to Behavioral Game Theory (pdf)


Lecture Slides on Learning (pdf)

Lecture Slides on Strategic Thinking (pdf)

Crawford, Costa-Gomes, and Iriberri, “Strategic Thinking” (pdf)

Ware Case (html)

Optional Practice Problems (pdf)

Vincent Crawford / University of Oxford Department of Economics / last modified 9 October 2013

Copyright © Vincent P. Crawford, 2013. All federal and state copyrights reserved for all original material presented in this course through any medium, including lecture or print.