First-Year M. Phil. Microeconomics: Game Theory and Industrial Organization


Vincent P. Crawford, University of Oxford

Michaelmas Term 2012


There will be nine or if needed ten lectures, in the Lecture Theatre from 9:30-11:00 on Monday and Thursday of week 5; Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday of weeks 6 and 7; and Monday and Tuesday of week 8.


Old exam papers (for the First Year M.Phil. Microeconomics course) can be found at (i.e. search in their rigid system for 'HECN 5372' as Exam paper code, for all years. Older exam papers are at


My office hours are (preferably) by email appointment: Depending on requested timing, I may ask you to meet me either in my study at All Souls or my Department office. If you prefer the Department, I am more likely to be there near class times. 


Course materials








Vincent Crawford / University of Oxford Department of Economics/last modified 10 November 2012

Copyright © Vincent P. Crawford, 2012. All federal and state copyrights reserved for all original material presented in this course through any medium, including lecture or print.