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Working Papers

Carson, Richard, Mark Jacobsen, and Antung Liu "Are Carbon Taxes More Efficient in Industrializing Countries? Comparing China and India to the United States", April, 2021

Graff Zivin, Joshua, Matthew Neidell, and Wolfram Schlenker "Water Quality Violations and Avoidance Behavior: Evidence from Bottled Water Consumption", January, 2011

Hamilton, James D. "Historical Oil Shocks", December 22, 2010, revised February 1, 2011

Carson, Richard, Jordan J. Louviere "A Common Nomenclature for State Preference Elicitation Approaches" January, 2011 (to appear in Environ Resource Econ)

Carson, Richard, Theodore Groves "Incentive and information properties of preference questions: commentary and extensions" 2011 (to appear in Bennett Chapter 15)

Zhang, Junjie, Can Wang "Co-Benefits and Additionality of the Clean Development Mechanism: An Empirical Analysis March 22, 2011

Alix-Garcia, Jennifer, Craig McIntosh, Katharine R. E. Sims, Jarrod R. Welch "The Ecological Footprint of Poverty Alleviation: Evidence From Mexico's Oportunidades Program", February 27, 2010

Walsh, Sheila, Theodore Groves, Sriniketh Nagavarapu "Promoting Alternative Livelihoods for Conservation Backfires when Non-Monetary Benefits of Traditional Livelihoods are Important", July 2, 2010

Gjertsen, Heidi, Theodore Groves, David A. Miller, Eduard Niesten, Dale Squires, Joel Watson "A Contract-theoretic Model of Conservation Agreements ", August 23, 2010

Fissel, Ben, Ben Gilbert "Exogenous Productivity Shocks and Capital Investment in Common-pool Resources", September 23, 2010

Graff Zivin, Joshua and Matthew Neidell "Temperature and the Allocation of Time: Implications for Clilmate Change", February, 2010

Dastrop, Samuel, Joshua Graff Zivin, Dora L. Costa, and Matthew E. Kahn "Understanding the Solar Home Price Premium: Electricity Generation and 'Green' Social Status", December, 2010

Graff Zivin, Joshua, Maria Damon, and Harsha Thirumurthy "Health Shocks and Natural Resource Management: Evidence from Western Kenya", December, 2010

Carson, Richard "The Environmental Kuznets Curve: Seeking Empirical Regularity and Theoretical Structure" January, 2010 (appeared in Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, volume 4, issue 1, winter 2010, pp. 3-23

Carson, Richard, Jordan J. Louviere "Experimental design and the estimation of willingness to pay in choice experiments for health policy evaluation" April, 2010

Louviere, Jordan J., Terry N. Flynn, Richard Carson "Discrete Choice Experiments Are Not Conjoint Analysis" October, 2010 (appeared in Journal of Choice Modelling, 3(3), pp 57-72

Carson, Richard, Phoebe Koundouri, Celine Nauges "Arsenic Mitigation in Banglades: A Household Labor Market Approach" November 30, 2010 (appeared in Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 1-8

Carson, Richard, Tolga Cenesizoglu, Roger Parker "Forecasting (aggregate) demand for US commercial air travel" 2010 (to appear in International Journal of Forecasting)

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