Resources for Research on Brazil
JavaScript recommended
- "Trade and Growth: The Case of Brazil"
[pdf 180k]
[pdf slides 336k]
- "The database Pesquisa Industrial Anual (PIA) 1986-2001: A detective's report"
[pdf 490k]
- "Definitions of Brazilian Mining and Manufacturing Sectors and their Conversion"
[pdf 383k]
- "Job Concordances for Brazil: Mapping the Classificação Brasileira de Ocupações (CBO) to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-88 )"
[pdf 232k]
data on brazil
- price indices (description [pdf 180k])
- monthly official price index (economy-wide) (OTN, BTN, FAP, UFIR) 1986-2003 [csv 6k] [stata7 38k]
- monthly price indices (economy-wide) 1986-2002 [csv 17k] [stata7 46k]
- monthly price indices for outputs (per sector niv100)
- monthly price indices for inputs (per activity niv50)
- monthly price indices for capital goods (economy-wide)
- nominal and real exchange rates (aggregate, description [pdf 82k])
- tariffs (description [pdf 181k])
- monthly tariffs (per sector niv80) 1986-1999 [csv 49k] [stata7 62k]
(based on nominal tariff series by Honório Kume)
- annual tariffs for final goods (per sector niv80) 1986-1998 [csv 17k] [stata7 9k]
- monthly tariffs for intermediate goods (per activity niv50) 1986-1998 [csv 98k] [stata7 104k]
- annual tariffs for intermediate goods (per activity niv50) 1986-1998 [csv 24k] [stata7 12k]
- monthly tariffs for capital goods (economy-wide) 1986-1998 [csv 8k] [stata7 29k]
- annual tariffs for capital goods (economy-wide) 1986-1998 [csv 3k] [stata7 3k]
- foreign price indices (description [pdf 208k])
- annual ppi indices: oecd countries (per sector niv100) 1986-1998 [csv 207k] [stata7 189k]
- monthly ppi indices: usa (per sector niv100) 1986-2003 [csv 365k] [stata7 172k]
- annual ppi, wpi, and cpi indices: 25 major import-source countries (economy-wide) 1984-2000 [csv 4k] [stata7 6k]
- monthly ppi indices: usa & oecd countries (import-weighted, per sector niv100) 1986-1998 [csv 525k] [stata7 264k]
- monthly ppi, wpi, and cpi indices: 25 major import-source countries (import-weighted, per sector niv100) 1986-1998 [csv 176k] [stata7 105k]
- monthly foreign price indices for inputs (per activity niv50) 1986-1998 [csv 95k] [stata7 104k]
- monthly foreign price indices for capital goods (economy-wide) 1986-1998 [csv 9k] [stata7 29k]
- market penetration with foreign imports (description [pdf 139k])
- annual market penetration series (per sector niv80) 1986-1998 [csv 35k] [stata7 23k]
(based on export and import share series by Roberto Luís Olinto Ramos and Claudia Nessi Zonenschain, and market penetration series by Maurício Mesquita Moreira and Paulo Guilherme Correa)
- foreign direct investment by sector of industry (description [pdf 130k])
- comparative advantage by sector of industry (description [pdf 159k])
- Balassa (1965) comparative advantage measures by ISIC rev. 2, 1986-2001 [csv 148k] [stata7 52k]
- Balassa (1965) comparative advantage measures by CNAE, 1986-2001 [csv 459k] [stata7 214k]
- Balassa (1965) comparative advantage measures by Nível 100, 1986-2001 [csv 95k] [stata7 44k]
- Balassa (1965) comparative advantage measures by Nível 50, 1986-2001 [csv 48k] [stata7 24k]
- Balassa (1965) comparative advantage measures by Subsector IBGE, 1986-2001 [csv 12k] [stata7 11k]
sector definitions and conversions
The following files provide converters between the Brazilian sector classification systems CNAE (cnae) and Nível 100 (niv) on the one hand and the US sector classification systems NAICS (naic) and SIC (sic) on the other hand.
The report "Definitions of Brazilian Mining and Manufacturing Sectors and their Conversion" ([pdf 383k]) describes these derivations.
There is also a novel converter for international classification systems, from SITC revision 2 at the 4-digit level to ISIC revision 2 at the 3-digit level.
The report "Converter from SITC to ISIC" ([pdf 118k]) describes that derivation.
- strict converters (description [pdf 383k])
- loose converters (description [pdf 383k])
- international converter (description [pdf 118k])
- converter sitc2isic [csv 13k] [stata9 51k] (stata9 file contains labels longer than 80 characters)
- other mappings (description [pdf 383k])
- sector definitions (description [pdf 383k])
- cnae: complete listing, portuguese, including non-manufacturing (cnae-complete-pt) [csv 42k] [stata7 55k]
- cnae: long listing, english and portuguese, with headlines (cnae-longlist) [csv 42k] [stata7 66k]
- cnae: short listing, english and portuguese (cnae-list) [csv 32k] [stata7 48k]
- nível 100: long listing, english and portuguese, with headlines (niv100-longlist) [csv 6k] [stata7 11k]
- nível 100: short listing, english and portuguese (niv100-list) [csv 6k] [stata7 11k]
- links to sector definitions
occupational definitions and conversions
The following files provide converters between the Brazilian classification systems CBO-94 and the International classification system ISCO-88.
- IBGE documents about the manufacturing survey PIA
- MTE documents about the formal employment census RAIS
- General IBGE data for download
Last modified: April 5, 2022.
© February 1999 and January 2003. All rights reserved.
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