Networks and Markets
James E. Rauch and Alessandra Casella, editors


"Though economists claim that dollar bills will not be left 'lying in the street,' the profits from sharply focused exchange between sociologists and economists are rarely taken. This sparkling volume is a welcome exception. Prominent practitioners of both arts present important work on networks and markets, and critique one another in concise and fruitful ways. An invaluable resource for those who follow these exciting new developments in social theory."

MARK GRANOVETTER, professor of sociology, Stanford University

"A pioneering collaboration between economists and sociologists. The contributors compete and cooperate with each other, combining the best traditions of the two fields, to elucidate the organization of industrial economies in East Asia, fish markets in Marseille, banking in renaissance Florence, ethnic business networks in New York, and much else."

DANI RODRIK, Rafiq Hariri Professor of International Political Economy, Harvard University

"After a century of separation, economics and other social sciences are re-establishing mutually beneficial links. These studies of the interaction between social networks and markets are an excellent case in point. Here, a dozen sociologists and economists bring together their skills in case studies and theoretical modeling to create a rich and fascinating collection that will inspire much further research."

AVINASH K. DIXIT, John J. F. Sherrerd '52 University Professor of Economics, Princeton University

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