Eli Berman

Professor – Department of Economics

Phone: (858) 534-2858

Email: elib at ucsd.edu


Proxy Wars (co-editor, with David Lake), Cornell: Cornell University Press, March 2019.

Small Wars, Big Data: The Information Revolution in Modern Conflict (with Joseph H. Felter and Jacob N. Shapiro), Princeton, NJ: Princeton U. Press, June 2018.

Radical, Religious, and Violent: The New Economics of Terrorism. Cambridge: MIT Press, October 2009.

Selected Publications


"From Empty Pews to Empty Cradles: Fertility Decline among European Catholics." (with Laurence Iannaccone and Guiseppe Ragusa) Journal of Demographic Economics 84(2), 149-187, (June 2018).

"The Empiricists' Insurgency." (with Aila Matanock) Annual Review of Political Science, Vol 18: 443-464, (May 2015).

"Modest, Secure and Informed: Effective Development in Conflict Zones." (with Joseph Felter, Jacob Shapiro and Erin Troland) American Economic Review Paper and Proceedings, Vol. 103 No. 3 (May 2013), 512-17.

"Can Hearts and Minds be Bought? The Economics of Counterinsurgency in Iraq." (with Jacob Shapiro and Joseph Felter) Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 119, No. 4 (October 2011), 766-819.

"Do Working Men Rebel? Unemployment and Insurgency in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Philippines." (with Jacob Shapiro, Joseph Felter and Michael Callen) Journal of Conflict Resolution, August 2011 vol. 55 no. 4 496-528.

"Religion, Terrorism and Public Goods: Testing the Club Model." (with David Laitin) Journal of Public Economics 92(10-11), 1942-1967, (2008).

"Religious Extremists: The Good, the Bad and the Deadly." (with Laurence R. Iannaccone) Public Choice, 2006.

"Language-Skill Complementarity: Estimated Returns to Immigrant Language Acquisition." (with Kevin Lang and Erez Siniver), Labour Economics, 2003.

"Environmental Regulation and Productivity: Evidence from Oil Refineries." (with Linda Bui), Review of Economics and Statistics, August 2001.

"Environmental Regulation and Labor Demand: Evidence from the South Coast Air Basin." (with Linda Bui), Journal of Public Economics, February 2001.

"Sect, Subsidy and Sacrifice: An Economist's View of Ultra-Orthodox Jews." Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 2000.

"Implications of Skill-Biased Technological Change: International Evidence." Quarterly Journal of Economics 113(4) (with John Bound and Stephen Machin), November, 1998.

"Help Wanted, Job Needed: Estimates of a Matching Function from Employment Service Data." Journal of Labor Economics, vol 15, no. 1, part 2. January 1997, S251-S292.

"Changes in the Demand for Skilled Labor within U.S. Manufacturing Industries: Evidence from the Annual Survey of Manufactures." (with John Bound and Zvi Griliches), Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1994.

Selected Working Papers

"Predation, Taxation, Investment and Violence: Evidence from the Philippines." (with Joseph Felter, Ethan Kapstein, and Erin Troland) NBER Working Paper #19266, August 2013.

"Modest, Secure and Informed: Effective Development in Conflict Zones." (with Joseph Felter, Jacob Shapiro and Erin Troland) NBER Working Paper #18674, January 2013.

"From Empty Pews to Empty Cradles: Fertility Decline Among European Catholics." (with Laurence R. Iannaccone and Giuseppe Ragusa) NBER Working Paper #18350, August 2012.

"Election Fairness and Government Legitimacy in Afghanistan." (with Michael Callen, Clark Gibson and James D. Long) NBER Working Paper #19949, March 2014.

Selected Online Articles

"How empirical studies of conflict (can) help policymakers." (with Jacob Shapiro, Joseph Felter and Ethan Kapstein) Washington Post Monkey Cage, March 16, 2015.

"The Super Smart Way to Dismantle ISIS." (with Jacob Shapiro and Joseph Felter) The National Interest online, February 27, 2015.

"Aid for Peace: Does Money Buy Hearts and Minds?" (with Jacob Shapiro and Joseph Felter) ForeignAffairs.com, January 21, 2015.

"Constructive Coin: How Development Can Fight Radicals." (with Jacob Shapiro and Joseph Felter) ForeignAffairs.com, June 1, 2010.