As before bring a calculator and a single 6"x4" index card.

Study the testbank questions and answers in Chapters 4 and 6. Old exam questions referring to dummy variables are for Chapter 7 material not covered in this course.

Chapter 3 -- Study the assumptions and properties.

Chapter 4 -- Study t-tests for individual coefficients, and the two Wald F-tests, one for overall significance and the other for omitting a subset of variables. Also, the properties of specification errors.

Chapter 5 -- Study the properties and how to identify multicollinearity. No exercises.

Chapter 6 -- Final exam will be focusing on this chapter, but that doesn't mean that previous chapters should be ignored. Chapter 4 material is particularly relevant. Know about quadratic models, log linear, log quadratic, and double log models. Study elasticities especially for the log models. In this chapter try as many end of chapter exercises as you can, excluding the one requiring computer work. Skip Sections 6.9, 6.12 and 6.15. Focus on all other sections especially 6.8, 6.10, and 6.14, and the applications sections.