lecture: TuTh 12:30p-1:20p, Center Hall room 105
section id: 679300
problem set review sections
#1: Thu, April 22, 7:00p-8:50p Peterson room 104
#2: Mon, May 17, 7:00p-8:50p Peterson room 104
#3: Thu, June 3, 7:00p-8:50p Peterson room 104
exam review sections (graded problem sets back)
#1: Wed, April 28, 7:00p-8:50p Peterson room 104
#2: Wed, May 19, 7:00p-8:50p Peterson room 104
#3: Fri, June 4, 4:00p-5:50p Peterson room 104
office hours
Marc Muendler: Wed 9:30a-11:00a, Econ 312.
no regular office hours on April 21 and April 28
extra office hours: Mon, April 19 and Mon, April 26, 9:30-11:00a