Point Loma, where Juan Cabrillo anchored his flagship in 1542

Marc-Andreas Muendler

Professor, Economics
Fields: International Trade, International Finance, Development Economics

Phone: +1 (858) 534-4799
Office: Atkinson Hall 6403


  • These Are Your People
    • cBrief number 5 with Simon Evenett on Canada and Mexico's retaliation options that would shrink American take-home pay
      (March 3, 2025)
  • Game On
    • cBrief number 4 with Simon Evenett on the prospective effects of President Trump's campaign pledges for import tariffs
      (January 20, 2025)
  • Weaponizing Wheat
    • cBrief number 3 with Simon Evenett on Moscow's menace to food security in 2023
      (January 9, 2023)
  • Isolating Russia
    • cBrief number 2 with Simon Evenett on the overlooked role of global shipping giants in isolating Russia
      (April 26, 2022)
  • Making Moscow Pay
    • cBrief number 1 with Simon Evenett on how much extra bite G7 and EU trade sanctions can have
      (March 11, 2022)
  • The cModel
    • A comprehensive simulation model to quantify consequences of globalization for prosperity in the world economy

  • The global distribution of incomes, international trade and the labor market
    • A history of explanations and evidence
  • Trade, technology, and prosperity
  • Globalization and labor market prospects
    • A short youtube summary
    • A trade dialogue lecture at the World Trade Organization on globalization and the task content of jobs
    • And the slides from the World Trade Organization
  • Is inequality inescapable? On Piketty's Capital
  • Conferences
  • Resources for economists
  • Resources for research on Brazil
  • Replication code and data
Marc Muendler

cv (pdf)
contact (html)

email: ,
home page: http://econ.ucsd.edu/muendler/

Professor of Economics
Department of Economics, 0508
University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego)
9500 Gilman Dr MC 0508
La Jolla, CA 92093-0508, United States

Phone: +1 (858) 534-4799
Fax: +1 (858) 534-7040
Office: Atkinson Hall 6403
Office hours: Mondays, 2-3p, Atkinson Hall 6403,

Visiting Professor of International Economics
SIAW (Swiss Institute for International Economics and Applied Research) ____
Universität St. Gallen (HSG)
Bodanstrasse 8
9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland

Phone: +41 (71) 224 23 75
Fax: +41 (71) 224 22 98
Office: 29-002
Office hours: 29-002,

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