If you found an error that is not listed below, I would be grateful if you email it to me.
Thanks very much.


p.  543, line 4 from bottom -- Replace second 4 by 5.  Also add
", Y sub t-1" after T sub t.

p. 544 - fifth line above Practice Problem 13.1 --add "for" after

p.  545 - line 3 in last paragraph.  "Indefinitely" is spelled wrong

p. 546 -- line 1.  Put a comma after "sample".

p. 551 -- Header is for section 13.1, but should be for 13.4

p. 555 -- Step 1, second line.  Y sub t2 needs a hat (see next line).

p.  556 -- line 1. The parentheses came out as part of the subscript.

7) p.  558 - last line of paragraph after the equations.  Replace T by 

1) p. 572 (list of periodicals) - I think Economic Enquiry should be Economic

2) p. 577 (first paragraph) - "... with b as the period."  Should be " with b as
the base period."

3) p. 578 - Reference to Chou (1989).  In the references at the end of chapter
it is listed as Chu.

4) p. 579 (First paragraph in Empirical Analysis) - " ... and restimating
them."  Should be reestimating.

5) p. 580 (2nd paragraph) - "..minimum, maximum, ..."  Missing a , between
maximum and mean.

1) p. 608 - 2.6; the editor noted an opening paren and closing bracket in part
c.  Part d has the same problem in the 2nd term.

2) p. 609 - (n^2-1)/2 should be (n^2-1)/12

3) p. 610 - 3.6; Missing division sign (Yt-Y1)/(Xt-X1)

4) p. 611 - 3.12; "... , or sum(Yt) - B(tilda) sum(Xt)."  The minus sign should
be an equality sign.

5) p. 612 - 3.12f; It seems this should say estimator instead of estimate a
couple places in this paragraph.

6) p. 616 - part d; Consistency - there is a hat over B4, but not B5 and B3.

7) p. 626 - 8.3 a; Missing division sign.  Should be Yt/Xt

8) p. 631 - 11.8; The equality signs are not aligned for the two equations.

9) p. 632 - Top paragraph.  sigma_hat^2 = phat(1-phat).  Missing the phat inside
the parentheses.

p.635, first paragraph, line 10 -- replace "text that" by "text file 
p. 635, B34S -- missing a closing parentheses for the hhstokes website.
p. 636, line 3 -- In DATAX-Y.WK1., delete the period after WK1.
p. 636, Excel; DATAX-XLS should be DATAX-Y.XLS
p. 636, Shazam -- University of British Columbia has an extra "of" between
British and Columbia.
p. 637, GRETL, line 4 from bottom -- delete space before @.  Thus,
gretl-announce@ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu is one continuous email address.  
Also, set this address in italics.
p. 638 -- At the end of the first paragraph, add the following line.
"Address questions on GRETL by emai to cottrell@wfu.edu."
Set the address in italics.
p. 638, fourth line from the bottom -- replace imp by inp.