Here is a partial list of where you can find web pages for some of the graduate students I have worked with in recent years.
Hie Joo Ahn, Federal Reserve Board
Michael Bauer, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Elena Bisagni, Charles River Associates
Sung Je Byun, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Christian Dahl , University of Southern Denmark
Michael Davis, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Leland Farmer , University of Virginia
John Elder, Colorado State University
Emilien Gouin-Bonenfant, Columbia University
Peter Hansen, University of North Carolina
Ana Maria Herrera,
University of Kentucky
Hibiki Ichiue, Bank of Japan
Tomoo Inoue,
Seikei University
Isao Ishida, Konan University
Munir Jalil ,
BTG Pactual
Philip Jefferson, Member of Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Soojin Jo, Yonsei University
Garett Jones, George Mason University
Oscar Jorda, University of California, Davis
Yong-Gook Jung, University of Seoul
Tim Kane, Hoover Institution
Imho Kang, Hanyang University
Munechika Katayama, Waseda University
Dong Heon Kim , Korea University
Aeimit Lakdawala, Wake Forest University
Yifei Lyu, Remin University
George Monokroussos, Wayfair
Steve Morris, Federal Reserve Board
Lam Nguyen, Citigroup
Eul Noh, Freddie Mac
Tatsuyoshi Okimoto, Keio University
Gabriel Perez-Quiros , Bank of Spain and Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
Seth Pruitt, Arizona State University
Francisco Ruge-Murcia , McGill University
Keith Sill, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Koji Takahashi, Bank of Japan
Iichiro Uesugi, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, Tokyo
Ali Uppal, Imperial College
David Vera, California State University at Fresno
Cynthia Wu, University of Illinois
Wenbin Wu, Fudan University
Jin Xi, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dora Xia, Bank for International Settlements
Shihan Xie, University of Illinois
Ji Zhang, Tsinghua University
Xu Zhang, Bank of Canada
Linyan Zhu, LSE
I met with Shihan Xie, Soojin Jo, Michael Bauer, and Sung Je Byun at the UC Riverside workshop on energy transition and climate change, September 27-28, 2024.
A number of my former students were in San Diego for the 2020 ASSA meetings and were able to join us for dinner at our home in Del Mar. Guests included (left to right in picture below) Ji Zhang, Hie Joo Ahn, Clark Liu, Michael Bauer, Toshiaki Shoji, Hibiki Ichiue, Eul Noh, Munechika Katayama, Larry Schmidt, Xu Zhang, Tomoo Inoue, Jim Hamilton, Garett Jones, Cynthia Wu, Peter Hansen, Marjorie Flavin, Leland Farmer, Oscar Jorda, Gabriel Perez-Quiros, Emilien Gouien-Bonenfant, Tatsuyoshi Okimoto, Soojin Jo, Sung Je Byun, and Dong Heon Kim.
After dinner dinner Eul Noh and I played a few songs on guitars. We'd never played together before, but it came out ok. We did the old gospel bluegrass
I'll Fly Away, and the old blues
Hoochie Coochie Man.
I also tried As Time Goes By (appeared in the movie Casablanca) on the piano.
Thanks to all who helped make the conference in San Francisco in September 2014 a great success. Here's a link to some
photos from the event.
With Imho Kang, Soojin Jo, Dong Heon Kim, and Sung Je Byun in Seoul, June 2013
With Tomoo Inoue, Tatsuyoshi Okimoto, Hibiki Ichiue, and Iichiro Uesugi in Tokyo, June 2007
It is with deep sadness that we note the passing of Young-Sook Lee in 2007.
Note to former students: If I've left you off the list or have an out-of-date link, please
email me to correct the error.
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